| 1. | A sharp metallic rapping came on the front door . 前门上响起一阵刺耳的金属敲击声。 |
| 2. | Then, what was the surprise of the crew of the large ship to hear strange tappings in the hold . 接着大船上的水手听见底层舱中发出奇怪的敲击声,他们是多么的惊讶! |
| 3. | An indescribable succession of dull blows, perplexing in their regularity, sent their sound with difficulty through the fluffy atmosphere . 隐约传来一连串单调的敲击声,使人迷惑的是这声音很有规律,它勉强穿过了雪絮蒙茸的空气。 |
| 4. | 461 the machine is knocking badly 这台机器敲击声厉害。 |
| 5. | The sound of the hammer engaged upon the erection of new structures was everywhere heard 到处可以听到建造新楼的铁锤敲击声。 |
| 6. | Nothing was said in answer , but she heard a low hammering sound in his bedroom 没有人回答,她却听见有低低的敲击声从他的卧室传来。 |
| 7. | It was sad to see all grandmother ' s lovely things go under the hammer 看见祖母所有心爱的东西在木槌的敲击声中被拍卖掉,真令人伤心。 |
| 8. | The intervals of silence grew progressively longer ; the delays became maddening 他等着每一次敲击声,烦躁而恐惧,自己也不知道为什么。 |
| 9. | Next , about several dozen brothers and sisters hammered in the sub - flooring 此外几十位师兄师姊开始修理地板,敲击声震耳欲聋大快人心! |
| 10. | He wondered what it was , and whether immeasurably distant or near by - - it seemed both 这敲击声尖锐、清晰、铿锵作响,有如铁匠敲砧打铁发出的响声,音色同样清脆高亢。 |