钻故纸堆: bury oneself in outdated writings; delve into dusty old books
Example Sentences:
Seeking delight among the heap of old books 故纸堆里觅趣
However , in the face of " dazzling spark " like this , i wonder what reason it is , but bury in heap of musty old books or papers of history for a long time , few people go explore it 然而,如此“耀眼的火花” ,不知是何原因,却被长期埋没于历史的故纸堆当中,很少有人去发掘它。
A name containing chinese characters that look familiar but are unpronounceable will either make them feel they are not knowledgeable enough or ponder the origins of the words 看着那些似曾相识、但不知如何念起的怪字,让人在感慨学识浅薄之余,也不禁妄自揣摩,到底是从哪个故纸堆里找到的这些字?
But while others should not interfere , they are expected to address the person by that name . a name containing chinese characters that look familiar but are unpronounceable will either make them feel they are not knowledgeable enough or ponder the origins of the words 看着那些似曾相识但不知如何念起的怪字,让人在感慨学识浅薄之余,也不禁妄自揣摩,到底是从哪个故纸堆里找到的这些字?