| 1. | Non - government organization 非政府间国际组织 |
| 2. | Inter - government organization 政府间国际组织 |
| 3. | China has also joined as many as 135 intergovernmental international organizations 中国加入了135个政府间国际组织。 |
| 4. | China is a member of over 100 inter - governmental organizations and is a party to nearly 300 international treaties 中国参加了100多个政府间国际组织,签署了近300个国际条约。 |
| 5. | Foreign employees of international intergovernmental organizations invited by the roc government and their dependants 四政府间国际组织之外国籍职员应我国政府邀请来访者及其眷属。 |
| 6. | All the specialized agencies and organizations of the united nations system are inter - governmental organizations composed of sovereign states 联合国系统的所有机构,是由主权国家代表参加的政府间国际组织。 |
| 7. | As the most influential intergovernmental organization , un ( united nations ) attaches the increasing importance to its relationship with ngos 联合国作为世界上影响力最大的政府间国际组织,越来越重视与非政府组织的关系。 |
| 8. | This is only an ad hoc arrangement and cannot constitute a model applicable to other inter - governmental international organizations or international gatherings 上述特殊安排,并不构成其他政府间国际组织及国际活动仿效的模式。 |
| 9. | This is only an special arrangement and cannot constitute a model applicable to other inter - governmental international organizations or international gatherings 上述特殊安排,并不构成其他政府间国际组织及国际活动仿效的模式。 |
| 10. | Pan - asia security cooperation organisation ( pasco ) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation proclaimed in shanghai on june 15 , 2010 泛亚安全合作组织于2010年6月15日在中国上海宣布成立的永久性政府间国际组织。 |