| 1. | An analysis of the expenses of government - running pattern 政府治理范式的成本分析 |
| 2. | On local market blockage and innovation of government 论地方市场封锁与政府治理创新 |
| 3. | Government governance facing towards information era 面向信息时代的政府治理 |
| 4. | A study on institution of social crisis detection 预见性政府治理与社会突发事件的预警机制 |
| 5. | E - government and government paradigm 电子政务建设与政府治理变革 |
| 6. | Opening public affairs and governance reform 政务公开与政府治理 |
| 7. | Disseminating contract spirit to improve government administration 彰显契约精神提升政府治理能力 |
| 8. | A survey of the newly development of theory and practice of governance 政府治理理论与实践的新发展 |
| 9. | The influence of entering wto to administrative pattern of china s government 对我国政府治理方式的影响 |
| 10. | The change of governance pattern : from the perspective of governance theory 政府治理模式变迁的治理主义视角 |