The law officer international law the director of administration and development 国际法律专员律政司政务专员
The law officer civil law the deputy law officer civil law the director of administration and development 出席人员:民事法律专员副民事法律专员律政司政务专员
There have been times when i have felt frustrated because of my inadequacies but i am very fortunate because i have my law officers and my director of administration and development who have been very understanding and very tolerant in helping me through the transition 我有时也会因为自己的不足而感到沮丧,幸而各位法律专员和律政司政务专员十分体谅容忍,耐心帮助我跨越过渡时期。人不仅要从经验中学习,还得从错误中汲取教训。