| 1. | The dye is reduced by dehydrogenase enzymes released by viable tumour cells . 染料被存活的肿瘤细胞放出的脱氢酶所还原。 |
| 2. | Jaffe found that when rubbed plants give off increased amounts of ethylene . 贾菲发现,当搓揉植株时,植物放出的乙烯数量就增加。 |
| 3. | In an adiabatic system, this heat release serves to increase the chamber temperature . 在一绝热系统中,放出的热量增加了房间的温度。 |
| 4. | These stresses arise from the exothermic nature of the reaction during gelatin and cure . 这种残余应力系由凝胶和固化期间化学反应能放出的热引起的。 |
| 5. | It is evident that a big kettle containing boiling water will give out more heat than a smaller one . 清楚的是,盛有开水的大水壶要比小水壶放出的热量多。 |
| 6. | A column of smoke is established with a small rocket then photographed to determine movement of the trail . 烟柱是由一个小火箭放出的,然后摄影技求出烟迹的运动。 |
| 7. | Very few alpha particles from radioactive sources can travel more than 1 to 3 inches in air before being stopped . 在空气中从放射源放出的粒子在停止以前只有很少能穿过13英寸的距离。 |
| 8. | A red glow hung near the summit and an occasional minor explosion created a king-size fireworks display from the crater . 山顶附近闪烁的红光和偶尔发生的小爆炸,构成从火山口放出的特大焰火。 |
| 9. | Over the black tide, from an invisible ship, came the sound of a gramophone playing some popular heartrending tune . 越过黑乎乎的潮水,从一条望不见的船上传来留声机放出的令人心酸的流行小调。 |