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English translation for "改良种子"

improved seeds

Related Translations:
改良限度:  improvement threshold
改良纸:  improved papermodified paper
改良厕所:  improve latrine
改良土壤:  benefit the soilto improve the soil
改良麦芽:  melanoid malt
改良型:  improved type
资产改良:  betterment of asset
废水改良:  waste-water reclamation
农具改良:  innovation of farm implements
培养改良:  culture alternation
Example Sentences:
1.The combination of improved seeds, more fertilizer, and improved irrigation doubled yields on irrigated land in developing countries .
2.Early genetic analysis of some clones in the improved slash pine seed orchard
3.Chemicals are costly . the savings help pay for the higher cost of the biotech seeds
4.Chemicals are costly . the savings help pay for the higher cost of the biotech seeds
由于杀虫剂成本昂贵,因此这样节省下来的钱可以用来支付改良种子的高额费用。 ”
5.The experimental results show that the characters of tree height , dbh , and volume , etc . of every family progenies of pinus massoniana seed orchard are all evidently higher than those of control ( ck ) , 7 fine family materials whose volume growth exceeds the control ' s by 50 % are totally selected as the materials for building p . massoniana improved seed orchard and industrial raw material forest
摘要对漳平五一国有林场马尾松种子园18个初选家系进行子代测定,采用随机区组设计、 8次重复,对6年生的树高、胸径、材积等性状进行测定,试验结果表明:马尾松种子园各家系子代均明显高于对照( ck ) ,共选出7个优良家系材积生长超过对照50 %以上材料,作为营建马尾松改良种子园和工业原料林的材料。
Similar Words:
"改良直接补体结合" English translation, "改良纸" English translation, "改良质量" English translation, "改良种" English translation, "改良种动物" English translation, "改良主义" English translation, "改良主义的" English translation, "改良主义者" English translation, "改良装备" English translation, "改良组织体模比" English translation