[ shōu; shòu ] Ⅰ动词 1.(把摊开的或分散的事物聚集、合拢) put away; take in 短语和例子 收工具 put the tools away; 劳驾把这些东西收走。 will you please put those things away? 洗的衣服收了没有? have you brought in the washing?2.(收取) collect 短语和例子 收废品 collect scrap; 收水电费 collect water and electricity bills; 收税 collect taxes; 向房客收房租 collect rent from tenants; 他到各个办公室去收会费。 he went round the various offices to collect the dues.3.(收割) harvest; gather in 短语和例子 用联合收割机收稻子 harvest rice with combines; 暴风雨到来之前小麦已经收完了。 the wheat crop had been gathered in before the storm came. 这一年农场从1980年种的树上收了70万公斤桃子。 this year the farm gathered 700,000 kilograms of peaches from trees planted in 1980.4.(接; 接受; 容纳) receive; accept 短语和例子 请把它作为一件礼物收下。 please accept it as a present. 我刚收到一份电报。 i've just received a telegram. 学校今年又收了一批研究生。 the college has enrolled another group of research students this year. 这本词典共收词8万余条。 the dictionary contains over 80,000 entries.5.(收缩) close 短语和例子 伤收口了。 the wound has healed.6.(约束; 控制) restrain; control 短语和例子 孩子玩得心都收不回来了。the boy can't get his mind off play.7.(结束; 停止)bring to an end;stop:时间不早了, 今天就收了吧。it's getting late. let's call it a day. Ⅱ名词 1.(收获) harvest 短语和例子 丰收 bumper harvest; 秋收 autumn harvest2.(收入) money received; receipts; income 短语和例子 税收 tax revenue