Ⅰ动词 [书面语] 1.(超越范围, 独断独行) arrogate to oneself; claim arbitrarily 短语和例子 擅权 monopolize [usurp] power2.(长于; 善于) be good at; be expert in 短语和例子 不擅辞令 lack facility in polite or tactful speech; 不擅酬应 be not particularly good at casual conversationⅡ副词 (擅自) do sth. on one's own authority ; arbitrarily 短语和例子 擅作主张 make a decision without authorization; make an unilateral [arbitrary] decision
You cannot enter a military base without a permit . 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
Time, the best physician of the mind, at length brought me relief . 时间,这位最擅于医治心灵的大夫,终于安慰了我。
If one enters a private house without asking for permission, he is likely to be accused of trespassing or even burglary . 假如某人未经许可擅入私宅,他就会因侵入或偷窃行为而受到控告。
You cannot enter a military base without a permit 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地
You cannot enter a military base without a permit 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地
Tea is for guests . the door is for intruders 茶是给客人喝的.擅闯者应该滚出门去
Tape the story . i ' ii see that it gets put to good use 把事件录下来,要擅加利用它
Laura is an active , social thirteen - year - old girl 十三岁的劳拉活泼好动,擅于交际。
May l ask why you ' re trespassing on my land 也许我该问一下,你为何要擅闯我的领地?
Could play any kind of male or female role very well 生、旦皆能,擅演丑生