Multiple open wounds do not stack with each other in terms of damage but the highest damage from multiple open wounds sources is always used 多个撕裂伤口的伤害不会叠加,但当中伤害最高的将会抑制发生作用。
There is one chance to open wounds per strike . the chances from different sources are summed up to determine the final chance to open wounds 实际上有机会实现每次攻击都触发撕裂伤口。这个总体几率取决于不同来源的粉撕裂伤口几率求和。
Each new open wounds resets the bleeding timer to 8 seconds and changes the damage rate only if the new damage rate is higher than the previous one 每次新的撕裂伤口效果将会重设(覆盖)流血时间为8秒,并且仅当新的伤害率高于原先时更改伤害率。