As a result of the work mentioned above , the usual method of phosphate fertilization for crops grown under no tillage and minimum tillage has come to be surface broadcasting 由以上的研究我们可以得出这样一个结论:免耕和少耕耕作制下,通常磷肥的施用方法可以采用地表撒施。
With exception of soils that are cold and wet at planting time , no evidence exists that surface broadcasting of potassium fertilizer is not an adequate method of fertilization under reduced tillage 除非在播种时土壤寒冷潮湿,没有证据表明在少耕制下钾肥地表撒施是一种不适当的方法。
Summarizing phosphorus fertilization under minimum and no tillage , it can be said that surface broadcast applications generally work very well in terms of plant uptake and for maintaining adequate soil levels of available soil phosphorus 综上所述,免耕制和少耕制下磷肥的施用,从植物吸收的角度和从维持足够有效水平的角度来考虑,地表撒施一般效果很好。