火箭: [航空] rocket; fire arrow; bird 短语和例子发射火箭 fire a rocket; 穿甲火箭 armour-piercing rocket; 单级火箭 one-stage rocket; 弹道火箭 ballistic rocket; 多级火箭 multi-step rocket; 二级火箭 two-stage rocket; 高超音速火箭 hype
撒: 撒动词1.(放开; 发出) cast; let go; let out 短语和例子把手撒开 let go one's hold; 撒腿就跑 make off at once; 渔民们将网撒入海中。 the fishermen cast their nets into the sea.2.(尽量使出来或施展出来) throw off all restraint; let on