He took me by the arm and jerked me round brutally . 他抓住我的胳臂,凶狠地把我搡了一顿。
He pushed and pulled and butted until he got me through the crowd . 他连推带搡,带我从人群中挤过去。
They are patronized, ridiculed and shoved around by self-important staff members . 他们受到那些自命不凡的职员们的赏脸、奚落,被推来搡去。
He hustled the boy out and banged the door to 他把少年胡乱搡出去,砰的一声关上了门。
The company left the table and crowded toward the dining room without noticing nana s indignant outburst 大伙离开餐桌,你推我搡地向着饭厅走去,却未觉察出娜娜在怄气。
You ' d be able to look at the ancient treasures without worrying about other visitors pushing you for a better view 你也可以尽情欣赏古迹珍宝,不用担心别人为了抢占观赏的有利位置,把你推来搡去。
The rumor reached the boulevard , and thereupon followed a stampede , everyone wanting to pass in , while the servants of the theater increased their forces 接着人群中你推我搡,每个人都想挤进去,检票处增加了维持秩序的人。
You have nothing to stand on , you unscientific dogmatists with your positive science which you are always lugging about into places it has no right to be 你们这些不科学的教条主义者,你们没何立足之地,老把你们的实证科学往它并无权利进去的地方乱搡。
After some breakage of the office furniture , the editor an ex - college athlete , ably assisted by the business manager , an advertising agent , and the porter , succeeded in removing martin from the office and in accelerating , by initial impulse , his descent of the first flight of stairs 打破了一些家具之后编辑在业务经理和广告代理人和门房的有力协助下终于把马丁搡出了办公室,那最初的一搡竟把他送下了第一道阶梯。
These still wore a modest expression despite their impudent gestures , for they were only beginners in their art , who had started life in the ballrooms of the slums and had been brought to laure s by some customer or other . here the tribe of bloated women , excited by the sweet scent of their youth , jostled one another and , while treating them to dainties , formed a perfect court round them , much as old amorous bachelors might have done 她们是从低级舞场里挑选出来的新手,是被一个女顾客带到洛尔饭店来的,而那一群肥胖的女人,一闻到她们身上散发出来的青春气息,便围住她们,你推我搡,像惴惴不安的老光棍向她们大献殷勤,竞相给她们买甜食。