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English translation for "搜查遍"

seek through

Related Translations:
搜查:  search; ransack; rummage; seek 短语和例子严密搜查 narrowly search; 海关人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私嫌疑的海轮。 the customs officers rummaged the ship suspected to have contraband goods.; 搜查合法 [法律] legality of search; 搜查赃
搜查员:  searching officer
抗拒搜查:  resistance to search
大搜查:  bayside shakedownlive report
文献搜查:  literature searches
搜查者:  rummagersearcher
住所搜查:  a domiciliary visit
合法搜查:  legality of search
安全搜查:  security search
搜查系统:  search system
Example Sentences:
1.Rewards had been offered by the court, the country had been scoured but no injun joe was found .
2.Rewards had been offered by the court , the country had been scoured but no injun joe was found
Similar Words:
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