Several of halsey's group commanders were making the same surmise . 当时海尔赛空军大队有几位指挥官都作出了同样的揣度。
Dorothy knew that one of her worst faults was to suspect ulterior motives in others . 多萝茜心里明白,自己最大的一个毛病,就是爱揣度别人秘而不宣的动机。
His was a tall, slender, well-knit figure, and grief, studying him, estimated his character from his face . 此人体态修长、匀称。格里菲打量着他,观察他的相貌,揣度他的人品。
But how could she divine the morbid suffering to which i was a prey 不过,她怎么能揣度出我被极度的痛苦所折磨?
At once jesus knew through his spirit what they were thinking and asked , “ why do you wonder 耶稣凭着神力,已经知道了他们内心的想法,便问他们说: “为什么你们要在内心如此揣度呢?
To this little circle , i , my wife , and my little two daughters made , i venture to think , a not unwelcome addition 我冒昧的揣度,我们夫妇和两个小女儿加入这个小集团,并不是不受欢迎的。
And the most common mistake in a relationship is one partner " assuming " or " interpreting " what the other thinks , says or does 一般人最常犯的错误就是在配偶面前表现出傲慢自大的态度,或是自己私底下去揣度对方的言语想法及行为。
And so may you , i thought . my eye met his as the idea crossed my mind : he seemed to read the glance , answering as if its import had been spoken as well as imagined - 他似乎已揣度出我眼神的含意,便作了回答,仿佛那含意不仅存在于想象之中,而且己经说出口了。
Catherine , we would fain have deluded yet : but her own quick spirit refused to delude her : it divined in secret , and brooded on the dreadful probability , gradually ripening into certainty 我们还想瞒住凯瑟琳但她的机灵可是骗不过她自己她暗自揣度着,深思着那可怕的可能性,而那可能性已渐渐地成熟为必然性了。