| 1. | We have to invest in the hong kong dollars 我的提早退休计划全靠港元投资呀 |
| 2. | If these healthcare workers departed under the voluntary early retirement scheme ; if not , of their reasons for leaving office (二)该批医护人员是否根据自愿提早退休计划离职;若否,他们离职的原因; |
| 3. | The main reason for the increase in turnover of nurses in the past year was due to the implementation of voluntary early retirement schemes by government and the ha 过去一年,护士流失的人数增加,主要是因为政府和医管局推行自愿提早退休计划。 |
| 4. | The increase in turnover of nurses in ha in the 200304 financial year was due to the implementation of the government and ha s voluntary early retirement schemes 二三四财政年度护士流失人数增加,是因为政府和医管局推行自愿提早退休计划。 |
| 5. | Since last year , there has been higher staff turnover in various clinical specialties of the ha because of the voluntary early retirement programme and a recovering private market 自去年起,由于医管局推行了自愿提早退休计划,加上私营市场复苏,导致公立医院各临床专科的流失率有所上升。 |
| 6. | The number of staff of the radiographer grades in the ha , who have been permitted to retire early under the two rounds of the government s voluntary retirement scheme and the ha s voluntary early retirement programme , are shown in annex iii 根据政府的两轮自愿退休计划及医管局的自愿提早退休计划获准提早退休的医管局放射技师职系员工的人数,载于附件三。 |
| 7. | At the beginning of this year , the ha has formulated a plan for the recruitment of doctors , nurses and other healthcare staff , taking into account relevant factors including staff wastage and the effects of voluntary early retirement 本年初,医管局在考虑相关因素后,如员工流失和自愿提早退休计划的影响,已制订了一套招聘医生、护士和其他医护人员的计划。 |
| 8. | Reviewing its human resource policies and staff remuneration packages to explore further opportunities for optimizing the use of its resources . these include the recent launch of a voluntary early retirement scheme for all permanent full - time employees with at least 10 years ? service in ha , and scrapping nine obsolete allowances for ha staff 检讨人力资源政策和员工薪酬福利条件,研究进一步善用资源的方法,包括最近为所有在医管局服务满十年的常额全职员工推行自愿提早退休计划,同时取消发予该局员工的九种不合时宜津贴。 |