[ tuībōzhùlán ] help intensify the strength of billows and waves; add fuel to the flame; aggravate a complicated situation; egg sb. on (to do sth.); encourage and increase sb.'s influence; fan the fire; follow and hasten the movement of waves -- to aggravate a dispute by a third party; increase troubles; intensify trouble; make a stormy sea stormier; take up another's quarrel
Thus, as if fate seemed determined to inflame and increase the poor child's malady and passion, all circumstances and all parties round about her urged it on . 这样,仿佛命运决心要跟这可怜的孩子作对,使她的痛苦和爱情有增无减,更加炽烈,她周围的一切和所有的人都在给这种情绪推波助澜。
Quiksilver was instrumental in stimulating the current growth in women boardsports participation Quiksilver对当时的女性冲浪运动起到了推波助澜的作用。
The chaos in the niger delta , it turns out , has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs 尼日尔三角洲的混乱,最终结果就是对鸡蛋价格起到推波助澜的作用。
He said : " i do n ' t like to think that anything i wrote has been used for an argument for war 博伊恩说: "我不愿意看到自己的东西被用来为战争推波助澜,我是反对战争的。
Mr . woodhouse : then please , my dear , encourage no one else . marriage is so disrupting to one ' s social circle 接下去,亲爱的,别再推波助澜了。婚姻简直太妨碍一个人的社交活动了。
Health experts warn that the trend is encouraged by cheap drink promotions and easy access to alcohol 健康专家警告说,这种趋势正被廉价的酒类促销和酒精饮品获得的容易性推波助澜。
Asia ' s love affair with real estate has been fuelled by easy money and accommodative government policies 过去,亚洲人是在简易贷款以及政府鼓励性政策的推波助澜下,对房地产产生迷恋的。