| 1. | They are going to pull down that building . 他们准备把那座房子推倒。 |
| 2. | All slanders and libels should be repudiated . 一切诬蔑不实之词,应予推倒。 |
| 3. | Einstein disposed of this belief . 爱因斯坦推倒了这一信念。 |
| 4. | Merchants turned over their stands and umbrellas . 商贩们推倒货摊和遮阳的大伞。 |
| 5. | Several children were pushed over in the rush to leave . 大家都争先恐后跑着离开时有几个孩子被推倒了。 |
| 6. | The firemen tried to trench the fire by pulling down the houses around it . 消防队员想推倒火灾附近的房屋以隔绝火势蔓延。 |
| 7. | Each wave threw him down and the current kept pulling him back into the sea . 每一个波浪都把他推倒,而且海流不断把他冲回海中去。 |
| 8. | Don't go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will sweep you off your feet . 孩子们,不要往大海走得太远,不然波涛会把你们推倒的。 |
| 9. | It really is too bad to see good men trying bunt a stone wall over with their bare hands . 眼看一些好人妄想赤手空拳地推倒一堵石墙,真叫人太伤心了。 |
| 10. | He was thrown roughly to the ground, and dick stood across him, flushed and menacing, with doubled fist . 他被粗暴地推倒在地上,狄克紧握着拳头,满脸通红,威胁地跨在他的身上。 |