He produced an electric spark across a gap between two metal balls by applying an electric current to them . 他把电流接通到两个金属球上而在其间的间隙处产生火花。
Attune to the temple of uncasting and request support and so it will be granted 接通到融化圣殿来请求获得支持,你将确保得到支持。
We invite initiates to attune to the 48 minerals associated with the tones of creation for ascension as these will be supportive of your spiritual goal 我们邀请提升者接通到与提升造物音调相关的那48种矿石中,因为它们将支持你的灵性目标。
This will clear one ' s own field of the intruders so that one can more readily connect to earth ' s consciousness and the healing temples for ascension for support 如果你没有接通到我们的疗愈层,而让别的某些事物控制了你圣坛的话,我们则无法承担这个责任。