| 1. | Note the well - differentiated glands with tall columnar epithelial lining cells 可见在分化良好的腺体中有高柱状的排列整齐的上皮细胞。 |
| 2. | The interval of the wooden stake is equal , arrange neatly , the wooden stake shouldn t crooked and shallow 橛间距相等,排列整齐,不得打歪,打浅,要确保质量。 |
| 3. | Since the attack nails , rivets steel , steel nailing should be secured so closely connected with stickers topology neat appearance 自攻钉、钢拉铆钉、射钉等与连接钢板应紧固密贴,外观排列整齐。 |
| 4. | Next to the entrance is a well , which used to be the water supply for the village . the houses inside the village are arranged orderly 围内房舍排列整齐,围门侧有一口水井,以往为村民的食水来源。 |
| 5. | It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hill covered with neat rows of grapevines 假如你驱车驶过一望无际的田园、或是长满了排列整齐的葡萄藤的山丘时,你一定会为之惊讶。 |
| 6. | To the monks who pray here , these orderly rows of skulls evoke the monastery ' s long history and the devotion of the men who kept alive its spirit 对于在这儿祈祷的僧侣们,这些排列整齐的头盖骨昭示着这所修道院悠久的历史和那些保留它精神的虔诚信徒。 |
| 7. | The tidy tombstones and tranquil environment lead you away from the stressful real world . here , meditate about the bravery of the war heroes and the cruelty of war 西湾国殇纪念坟场里排列整齐的墓碑及宁静的环境,让人可以暂时抛开现实世界的紧张与压力。 |
| 8. | The simplest reason is that transistors are fastest and most reliable only when formed from the perfectly aligned atoms of a wafer cut from a single crystal of silicon 最简单的理由是,唯有在原子排列整齐的矽单晶上所做成的电晶体,速度才快,功能才稳定。 |
| 9. | In the model , the overall atmospheric state at any given instant is represented by the values of the variables at systematically arranged points set up within a three - dimensional grid 模式内的大气三维空间被分割成为排列整齐的网格点阵,而各网格点上气象变数的数值则代表了当时大气的整体状态。 |
| 10. | This equipments adopts advanced technology of the abroad with control procedure , which was made by zhongyao kiln company , used for arranging the tiles orderliness and continues feeding into kiln 本设备采用国外的先进技术和控制程序,由中窑窑业有限公司制造,用于将砖坯排列整齐并连续喂入辊道窑。 |