[ chuíxiōngdùnzú ] thump one's chest and stamp one's feet; beat one's breast and stamp one's feet (in deep sorrow, etc.) 短语和例子 这个老妇人伤心地捶胸顿足地哭着、号着。 the old woman beat her breast and cried in anguish
Related Translations:
这个老妇人伤心地捶胸顿足地哭着号着: the old woman beat her breast and cried in anguish
Example Sentences:
The old woman beat her breast and cried in anguish . 这个老妇人伤心地捶胸顿足地哭着、号着。
Mark beat his breast in agony 马克捶胸顿足,痛不欲生。
The man was in deep sorrow , endlessly wept and wailed , mutered and cried : " why did you die so early 这男人很悲凄地捶胸顿足,长嚎不己,嘴边不断地喃喃哭喊: “你为什么要这么早死呀?
One young man finally blurted out his fear that they were still in the cave ! mrs . thatcher swooned away . aunt polly fell to crying and wringing her hands 有个年青人突然说他们仍在山洞里,撒切尔夫人当即晕了过去,波莉姨妈捶胸顿足地放声大哭。
Although i told myself i should not be so emotional since i invested for the long term , i could not help myself jumping at the small percent age of gain and stomping21 at the loss 虽然我告诉自己既然是长期投资,就不应该如此激动,但我就是控制不住自己,稍有赢利就会欢喜雀跃,稍有损失就会捶胸顿足。
As to those princes , they cried out aloud , thumping their chests and stamping their feet . some even cut their noses and ears with knives . some laid open the bowel and committed suicide , deciding to follow the buddha 至于西域各国王子,听到大佛去世,有的放声嚎哭捶胸顿足呼天嚎地有的用刀割鼻割耳,有的剖腹自杀,决心紧跟老佛爷一同归天,表现了对佛的一片虔诚之情。
Another , in the hope of bettering his position , would seek to attract the tsars attention by loudly clamouring a suggestion hinted at by the tsar on the previous day , by quarrelling noisily at the council , striking himself on the chest and challenging opponents to a duel to prove his readiness to sacrifice himself for the common good 另外那些人希望捞取某种好处,吸引皇帝的注意力,就大喊大叫,拥护皇帝前一天暗示过的某件事,在会议上捶胸顿足地争论和叫喊,向不同意的人要求决斗,以此表明他准备为公众的利益而牺牲。