[ sǔnyì ] 1.(减少和增加) increase and decrease 短语和例子 斟酌损益 consider making necessary adjustments2.(赔和赚) profit and loss; gains and losses 短语和例子 损益相抵。 the gains offset the losses.; 损益比率 profit and loss ratio; 损益报告书 statement of profit and loss; 损益表 profit and loss statement; 损益分配 division of the gain or loss; 损益计算书 profit and loss statement; statement of profit and loss;损益平衡点 break-even point; 损益帐 profit and loss account
损益表: account of businessearnings statement,income statementincome accountincome sheetincome statement / profit and loss statementincome statement/profit-and-loss accountoperation statementp.& l