| 1. | The car had run into an electric post and become completely crushed 原来,车子撞到挢边的电线杆了,车子整个毁损。 |
| 2. | Our third stop in cape town was an area under a bridge that serves as a home for street people whom even the shelters refuse 第三站是开普敦市内某座挢下,那些连收容所都拒收的街民就在这里栖身。 |
| 3. | So once again , we moved relief goods across another makeshift bridge into the hands of more disaster victims who desperately needed them 于是我们再次越过另一座临时便挢,将物资运送到最需救援的许多灾民手中。 |
| 4. | After their visit to the shelter the sisters and brothers took to the streets and handed out additional items to people living under highway underpasses 收容所的探访结束后,同修们又来到街头,分发更多的物品给栖身在高架挢下的游民。 |
| 5. | As the bright moonlight guided us from above , we used fallen tree branches to make a temporary bridge across the shallow water and moved the relief goods from one side of the stream to the other 在明亮的月光引导下,我们利用掉落的树枝做成临时的便挢,架在浅水处,再将物资搬至溪流对岸。 |
| 6. | After we finished the distribution in this area , the second village leader informed us that there was yet another village that needed help , but we had to cross another collapsed bridge to get there 当我们完成分发工作时,第二村的村长通知我们还有另一个村落也需要救援,不过必须再越过另一座断挢才能抵达! |
| 7. | After hearing us explain what we planned to do , the village chief advised us that the best approach would be to leave the relief supplies behind and allow him to supervise their distribution later because of the collapsed bridge 我们向村长解说此行的目的后,由于路挢已毁,他建议最好的方式是将救援物资留下,由他负责分送。 |
| 8. | The police were quite worried because due to the rain , the road going up the mountain where the village was located was very slippery , and so they warned us not to proceed 不过,通往这个原住民村落的两座挢梁已经崩塌,警方非常忧虑,不知这些卡车如何才能到达目的地。下过雨后,通往山区的道路又湿又滑,警方一再警告我们不要前往。 |
| 9. | In addition , there were limitations on basic necessities such as water , electricity and sewers . the suspended foot bridges over the gorge that we had to cross to reach the houses in masters name were also made of decaying wood 峡谷内的吊挢也是只以朽木建造,我们必须经过这座吊挢,才能抵达他们的住处,整个地区的居住环境相当恶劣。 |
| 10. | Seeing an increasing number of little fellows , the initiates from the center s garden group recently have considered building a playground close to the entrance of the center . it will include swings , seesaws , slides and bridges 由于小同修的数目渐多,道场的园艺组正构思在道场入口处设一个儿童乐园,放置大型玩具如秋千摇摇板溜滑梯和天挢。 |