| 1. | "you're cooking up something, aren't you? " 你拼凑出点东西了吧? |
| 2. | She did not shuffle them to a heap . 她并没有把它们拼凑成一堆。 |
| 3. | They only knocked a few scenes together to make a play . 他们仅仅草草将几幕拼凑成一个话剧。 |
| 4. | I can just manage to string a few words of french together . 我只能勉强把法语的几个词拼凑在一起。 |
| 5. | I judged that he was concocting a particularly knotty editorial . 我估计他是在拼凑一篇特别伤脑筋的社论。 |
| 6. | They just basked in his reflected glory and improvised somewhat . 他们只是满足于他留下的光荣和某些临时拼凑出来的东西。 |
| 7. | I've put most of the broken parts together but i can't fit this piece in . 我已把大部分破碎的部分拼凑起来,但这一块嵌不进去。 |
| 8. | He was scowling fearfully, and i judged that he was concocting a particularly knotty editorial . 他皱眉瞪眼,样子很可怕,我估计他是在拼凑一篇特别伤脑筋的社论。 |
| 9. | It was a melancholy little drama, woven from bits and scraps of gossip and neighborhood legend . 这是一出由街谈巷议和左邻右舍的传说一点点拼凑而成的有悲伤情调的短剧。 |
| 10. | On the screen he saw his hand, not as he knew it, but as a gruesome collection of black stumps . 他在屏幕上看见自己的手不是原来的样子,倒象是拼凑起来的几根黑糊糊的干树枝,叫人望而生畏。 |