Nobody likes those clumsy spoofs of yours . 谁都不喜欢你那拙笨的玩笑。
He seemed as awkward and rough as ever . 他跟从前一样拙笨和粗鲁。
For emotion expression , they utilized in each modern narrative skill experience from stupidly to freely 出于情感表达的内在需要,它们在运用各种现代叙事技巧上经历了由拙笨到自如的艰辛历程。
Father conmee at the altarrails placed the host with difficulty in the mouth of the awkward old man who had the shaky head 康米神父曾经在祭坛栏杆边上吃力地把圣体送进一个动作拙笨的老人嘴里。那人患有摇头症。
Though he was slightly hampered by an occasional stammer and his gestures being also clumsy as it was still he did his best to explain 尽管他不时地有些结巴,因而话就略顿一下,手势也拙笨得很,然而他还是尽力解释得一清二楚。
He made tracks heavily , slowly , with a dumpy sort of a gait to the door , stepped heavily down the one step there was out of the shelter and bore due left 他拖着沉重的脚步,拙笨地慢慢走向门口,迈下马车棚外只有一磴的台阶,朝左边拐去。
She pointed to hareton , the other individual , who had gained nothing but increased bulk and strength by the addition of two years to his age : he seemed as awkward and rough as ever 她指着哈里顿,这就是另一个人,他长了两岁什么也没改,就是粗壮些,更有力气些:他跟从前一样拙笨和粗鲁。