| 1. | The prince of auersperg is touched in his honour and has the sergeant put under arrest 法语:在这令人厌恶的摩拉维亚山洞中。 |
| 2. | " i want to help slavia in the czech league as well as in the champions league qualification . "我想帮助斯拉维亚队在捷克联赛中获得欧冠参赛资格. |
| 3. | Chelsea and real madrid are said to be amongst the clubs chasing slavia prague ' s marek suchy 切尔西和皇马最近都看上了捷克布拉格斯拉维亚的年轻球员马里克-苏奇。 |
| 4. | One of the leading italian novelists alberto moravia died on september 26 at the age of 82 1990年9月26日,意大利最主要小说家之一阿尔贝托?莫拉维亚逝世,享年82岁。 |
| 5. | Czech republic midfielder vladimir smicer will return to his homeland next season after agreeing terms with slavia prague 捷克中场斯米切尔在同意了布拉格斯拉维亚队后,将在下个赛季返回自己的祖国踢球 |
| 6. | Moravia was now a part of a new nation , czechoslovakia ( mucha offered to help the new country by designing its postage stamps and bank notes ) 摩拉维亚变成了新的国家捷克斯洛伐克的一部份(慕夏为它设计了邮票以及钞票) 。 |
| 7. | Kromeriz stands on the site of an earlier ford across the river morava , at the foot of the chriby mountain range which dominates the central part of moravia 克罗麦里兹坐落在横贯摩拉瓦河的一处浅滩上,位于占据了摩拉维亚中心位置的赫日比山山脚下。 |
| 8. | Oswiecim has about 12 , 000 inhabitants , is situated about 171 miles from warsaw and lies in a damp , marshy area at the eastern end of the pass called the moravian gate 奥斯威辛大约有12000居民,距华沙约171千米,坐落在莫拉维亚关卡东端的一片沼泽地上。 |
| 9. | Petr cech will be attempting to keep wales at bay in teplice on saturday . the czech republic ' s wednesday game is away gainst their closest neighbours , slovakia , in bratislava 切赫将会在周六随捷克国家队在客场迎战威尔士,在周三他们将会在布拉迪斯拉维亚迎战邻国斯洛伐克。 |
| 10. | A champions league winner with liverpool in 2005 , smicer previously played for slavia between 1993 and 1996 , winning the title in his final season , before sealing a move to french ligue 1 outfit lens 作为利物浦夺得2005年冠军联赛的冠军球员,斯米曾经在1993年到1996年为斯拉维亚效力,在最后的那个赛季他获得了冠军,然后转会到了法甲朗斯队 |