| 1. | Ratcliffe diverted madge's attention . 拉特克利夫设法分散了玛吉的注意力。 |
| 2. | The point of platt's joke was lost . 普拉特的如意算盘落空了。 |
| 3. | Stradlater is going out on a date that evening . 斯特拉德拉特当夜要去赴约会。 |
| 4. | Its personnel left for surat . 其人员动身到苏拉特去。 |
| 5. | But platt was so persistent that hanna finally gave in . 可是,普拉特如此坚持,汉纳最后只得让步。 |
| 6. | Pratt noticed the maid and began to eat with his fork jabbing rapidly . 普拉特看到女仆,便忙用叉猛戳开始吃起来。 |
| 7. | She would not discuss her house with mrs. slatter, who was patronizing her . 斯拉特太太虽然赏识她,她却不愿意同她讨论自己的住宅。 |
| 8. | Some of these banks, such as bank tejarat in iran, made us pretty nervous . 这些银行,如伊朗的特贾拉特银行,就使我们感到相当紧张。 |
| 9. | Slatter was a shortish, broad, powerful man, with heavy shoulders and thick arms . 斯拉特是个矮矮胖胖、身强力壮的人,肩膀阔厚,胳膊粗大。 |
| 10. | The platt amendment to the army appropriations bill of 1901 spelled out this relationship . 对1901年陆军拨款法的普拉特修正案,就清楚规定了这种关系。 |