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English translation for "抿边机"

folding machines

Related Translations:
:  动词1.(用小刷子蘸水或油抹) smooth (hair, etc.) with a wet brush 短语和例子抿了抿头发 smooth one's hair; give one's hair a smooth2.(稍稍合拢; 收敛) close lightly; pucker; tuck 短语和例子抿嘴一笑 pucker in a smile; 小鸟抿着翅膀。 the
抿茶:  sipping tea
抿了抿头发:  smooth one
抿住嘴笑:  put one's hand over one's mouth and giggle; conceal one's laughter; one's lips curling in a pert smile; press one's lips tightly together to keep from laughing out loud; smile one's tight-
抿一口茶:  take a sip of tea
抿一小口:  si vtvin&n
小鸟抿着翅膀:  the bird tucked its wings
抿了几口白兰地:  a few sips of brandy
喝茶时小口抿出声:  drink one's tea sipping noisily
他抿着嘴笑打心里喜欢这女人的醋劲儿:  he smiled pleased by the woman's jealousy
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