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English translation for "护航任务"

escort duty
escort mission

Related Translations:
护航:  escort; convoy 短语和例子总统座机由五架战斗机护航。 the president's plane was convoyed by five jet fighters.; 护航部队 escort force; 护航船 convoying ship; escort vessel; 护航飞机 escort aircraft; 护航军舰 convoy ship; 护航
空中护航:  air convoy
护航船:  consortconvoying shipescort boatescort shipescort vesselescorting vessel
护航扫雷舰:  escort mine-sweeper
护航猎潜艇:  escort submarine chaser
护航航母:  cve aircraft carrier, escort
护航干扰:  escort jamming
无护航:  unescorted
护航机:  chaserescort aircraftescort planeweaver
护航战斗机:  accompanying fighterescort fighter
Example Sentences:
1.The karen had been sailing in a convoy to russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine
2.The captain was able to piece together all the information that had come to light , making certain that the karen had been sailing in a convoy to russia when she was torpedoed by an enemy submarine
Similar Words:
"护航军舰" English translation, "护航猎潜艇" English translation, "护航驱逐舰" English translation, "护航驱逐舰指挥舰" English translation, "护航权" English translation, "护航三角识别旗" English translation, "护航扫雷舰" English translation, "护航扫雷艇" English translation, "护航拖船" English translation, "护航下船舶" English translation