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English translation for "抢劫银行犯"

bank robber

Related Translations:
抢劫:  rob; loot; plunder 短语和例子抢劫财物 plunder everything valuable; 抢劫银行 rob the bank; 抢劫那家商店10辆自行车 rob the shop of ten bikes; 靠抢劫为生 live by plunder; 抢劫者 robber; 抢劫罪 crime of pillage; offense of rob
行凶抢劫:  attack and rob violently out of doorsmugging
抢劫财物:  plunder everything valuable
过境抢劫:  looters
爆破抢劫:  safeblower
挡路抢劫:  highway robbery
抢劫罪:  offence of robbery
持械抢劫 持械抢劫:  robbery, armed
共同抢劫:  conjoint robbery
抢劫未遂:  attempted robbery
Example Sentences:
1.He grappled with the bank robber , but was thrown to the ground
2." the cashier grappled with the bank robber , but was thrown to the ground .
3." the cashier grappled with the bank robber , but was thrown to the ground .
Similar Words:
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