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English translation for "抛光金属"

polishing metal

Related Translations:
金刚砂抛光:  diamond polishing
腐蚀抛光:  etch polishing
抛光夹具:  polishing clamp
抛光轧辊:  polishing rollspolishingroll
抛光钻石:  polished diamond
抛光粉:  burnishing powderpolishing powderpolishingpowderputty
抛光层:  polish layer
抛光工人:  glazerpolisher
抛光胎:  lap cover
酸洗抛光:  etch polish
Example Sentences:
1.Their fingers polish the insides of shell metal casings
2.All finished metal surfaces , such as chrome , aluminum , brass , stainless , etc
3.Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - part 3 - 15 : measurements - eccentricity of a convex polished ferrule endface
光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量步骤.第3 - 15部分:凸状抛光金属端面偏心率
4.Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - examinations and measurements - endface radius of spherically polished ferrules
5.Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - examinations and measurements - eccentricity of a convex polished ferrule endface
光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量程序.第3 - 15部分:凸状抛光金属端面偏心率
6.Fp : fine polish media . made of high alumina and contains no abrasives . use with burnishing compounds to burnish metal or with compounds for deburring . these pins produce a high luster finish and are suitable for use in all type of finishing equipment
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