| 1. | Iron ore pellets - determination of crushing strength 铁矿石颗粒.抗压强度的测定 |
| 2. | Sintered metal bushes - determination of radial crushing strength 烧结金属衬套.径向抗压强度的测定 |
| 3. | Natural stone test methods - determination of compressive strength 天然石料的试验方法.抗压强度的测定 |
| 4. | Sintered metal friction materials - determination of compressive strength 烧结金属摩擦材料抗压强度的测定 |
| 5. | Determination of the compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete 高压蒸氧加气混凝土抗压强度的测定 |
| 6. | Methods of test for masonry units - determination of compressive strength 圬工砌块的试验方法.抗压强度的测定 |
| 7. | Corrugated fibreboard - part 2 : determination of edgewise crush resistance 瓦楞纤维板.第2部分:边缘抗压强度的测定 |
| 8. | Laminated wood plastics . compreg determination of compression strength parallel to face grain 木质层积塑料.顺纹抗压强度的测定 |
| 9. | Insulating refractory products - determination of cold crushing strength 绝缘用耐火制品.第5部分:成型制品的低温抗压强度的测定 |
| 10. | Determination of compressive strength of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure 开式结构轻集料混凝土抗压强度的测定 |