| 1. | The mole scraped busily too, more to oblige the rat than for any other reason . 鼹鼠也在忙着抓抓挠挠的,主要是为了讨老鼠的欢心,不是为别的。 |
| 2. | Scratching can actually trigger eczematous rashes 抓挠事实上可以引起湿疹性的皮疹。 |
| 3. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重的搔痒可以影响睡眠或者因抓挠而受伤。 |
| 4. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重瘙痒会影响睡眠或者通过抓挠导致疼痛伤害。 |
| 5. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重的瘙痒会影响睡眠或是由于抓挠导致破损疼痛。 |
| 6. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重的痒觉会影响睡眠或导致由于抓挠引起的损伤。 |
| 7. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重的瘙痒能够影响睡眠或者导致抓挠引起的疼痛损伤。 |
| 8. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重的搔痒症会影响睡眠或者由于抓挠而导致严重的伤害。 |
| 9. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重的皮肤瘙痒可能会干扰睡眠,如果抓挠,会造成伤痛。 |
| 10. | Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching 严重的皮肤瘙痒可能会影响睡眠,也会因为抓挠而导致伤痛。 |