| 1. | A mechanic who buys and sells cars on the side 兼营买卖汽车的技工 |
| 2. | He would seek out some bright mechanic in the camp . 他常去军营寻找某个快乐的技工做朋友。 |
| 3. | Despite continuing immigration, artisans were scarce . 尽管移民不断增加,但技工还是很缺乏。 |
| 4. | Then one day, he learned that two workmen from the film palace had seen it . 然后有一天,他获知电影院里有两个技工去看过它。 |
| 5. | When he was satisfied he had what he wanted, he called the hospital mechanic . 他相信已经得到了所需要的图样以后,就把医院的技工找来了。 |
| 6. | The savoy boilermen and engineers had joined in, and the americans in the hotel would be freezing . 萨伏衣饭店的锅炉工人和技工们也参加了罢工,住在这家旅店里的美国人可是冻坏了。 |
| 7. | The mechanic and the two work-girls examined him point by point before resuming their conversation in a subdued voice . 那技工和两个女工仔细端详着他,从头到脚,一点不放过,随后窃窃私语。 |
| 8. | Application form for air - conditioning mechanic 下载空气调节技工技能测验申请表 |
| 9. | Voluntary registration scheme for vehicle mechanics 车辆维修技工自愿注册计划 |
| 10. | I prefer the term " computer artisan . " - whatever 我宁愿你叫我"电脑技工" -怎样都好啦 |