| 1. | Daijialaihuacha 2004 games - 4455 miniclip games 大家来找碴2004小游戏- 4399小游戏 |
| 2. | Hareton , is it you he s finding fault with “哈里顿,他是不是在跟你找碴? ” |
| 3. | I know you ' re good at rubbing people the wrong way . . 我知道你喜欢找碴. . |
| 4. | I wish you ' d stop carping about the way i dress 关于我怎麽穿衣打扮,我希望你别找碴了。 |
| 5. | I know you ' re good at rubbing people the wrong way 我知道你喜欢找碴 |
| 6. | Still , our company commander would give us loads of crap 而且,我们的司令官还尽给我们找碴 |
| 7. | We were all just laughing n0w suddenly y0u ' re fighting 我们大家都开开心心的,你都冷不丁地找碴 |
| 8. | Donald duck or make trouble for people games - 4455 miniclip games 唐老鸭找碴小游戏- 4399小游戏 |
| 9. | Holmes to or make trouble for people games - 4455 miniclip games 福尔摩斯来找碴小游戏- 4399小游戏 |
| 10. | Now that we have a second - and i ' m not trying to make this a big deal 咱们终于独处了,我不是要找碴 |