Ought you to turn the trolley in order to save five people at the expense of one 那么是否应该扳道岔,将电车引向另一条轨道,压死上面的那一个人?
And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman s cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder 这时,一列灯火明亮的快车,雷鸣般地响着,把扳道房震得颤颤悠悠。
A pointsman s back straightened itself upright suddenly against a tramway standard by mr bloom s window . couldn t they invent something automatic so that the wheel itself much handler 在布卢姆先生这扇车窗旁边,一个弯着腰的扳道员忽然背着电车的电杆直起了身子。