[ yángméitǔqì ] a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment; appear very proud and self- satisfied; be elated; be bold and elated; exhale freely and expand the eyebrows--attain one's purpose; feel proud; feel proud and happy; hold (up) one's head (high); in high feather [spirits]; stand up with head high; put on airs; walk with one's head held high; with one's chin up
Example Sentences:
Of course my complacency could hardly get start enough to lift my nose a trifle into the air . 不用说,我刚刚能稍微扬眉吐气。
His breast swelled within his waistcoat at the idea that now he had a son at oxford . 一想到如今他有个儿子在牛津上学,不禁感到扬眉吐气。
We need to kick ass at this skate - off come august 我们要在8月份的滑冰大赛中扬眉吐气
If wugong were real , trained chinese athletics would not be beaten in any sport , which tests the physical abilities 假如书中武功是真的,那么在世界各种展现体力、技巧的体育竞赛中,中国人早就扬眉吐气多时了。
" shanshui " plays a gorgeous mood by its second compilation . just follows the way of publishing compilations as usual , it concentrates on three young electric musicians this time "山水"在其第二张出品俨然给人扬眉吐气的感觉.依旧延续"山水"的合辑出版形式,只是把目光都聚焦在三位年轻的电音创作者身上
China ' s young women are in the midst of a " supergirl rebellion " , in which traits such as assertiveness , confidence and creative eccentricity have made a thrilling triumph over the old , introverted ideal of pretty - girl chinese pop 整个中国的年轻女孩子都陷入了一场“超女风暴” ,而果敢、自信和独树一帜的个性扬眉吐气般地横扫以往以长相俊美、性格内敛为特征的女星形象。