扣: Ⅰ动词1.(套住或搭住) button up; buckle 短语和例子把门扣上 latch [bolt] the door; 把皮带扣上 buckle a belt; 把衣服扣上 button (up) one's coat; 扣钮扣 do up the buttons2.(把有口的器物倒过来或罩在别的东西上) place a cup, bowl etc. upside
战: Ⅰ名词1.(战争; 战斗) war; warfare; battle; fight; fighting 短语和例子宣战 declare a war; 防御战 defensive warfare; 模拟战 sham battle; 肉搏战 hand-to-hand fight; 空战 air fighting2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子战兢 zhan jing