[ dǎtiānxià ] 1.(夺取政权) struggle to seize state power; seize state power by armed forces 2.(创立事业) establish an enterprise; start an enterprise; set up an enterprise; build up one's position
Example Sentences:
A man has to strike out for himself if he wants to get ahead . 一个人要想出人头地,就得自己去打天下。
I have your interests to attend to, as you can't attend to them yourself . 我还得为你操心打算呢,你呀,根本就没有本事自己打天下。
He had struck out unaided for himself, and his success was due solely to his own intelligence, industry, and foresight . 他单枪匹马地给自己打天下,他的成就完全得归功于他自己的聪敏、努力和远见。
In this week s column , he imagines what life might be like for the financial industry in fifteen years time 今期他幻想15年后在金融界打天下的日子会是怎样的。
I m willin to work my passage , you know , an i can make most men sick when it comes to hard work 你知道,我是乐意靠双手打天下的。要说刻苦我能刻苦得大多数人吃不消。
He also chairs of hugessen u . s . a . , inc . , general merchandise co . , inc . , c w warehpuse , inc . , and c w trucking , inc . mr . wu earned his b . s 吴董事长于1970年来美打天下,曾经营过塑胶及卡车运输等事业,于1990年投资银行业, 1995年被选为休士顿亚裔十大杰出企业家。
It is of great importance to the development of newspapers . this paper based on the research of press put forward that in the marketing of newspapers should not only be limited to news . the strategy of a all - around imc is also an inexpensive element 本研究在实地考察广州、北京、成都等地的报业实践的基础上,认为报纸的营销,不能单靠新闻一种产品打天下,它同样需要一种全面的整合营销传播策略。
From small ones , such as lighters , ties , fasteners , to high - tech industries in this district or the whole country , industrial cluster , which gives expression to the trend of integration during competing with each other , not only an odd one to be strong or exclusive , but the whole to be strong and vigorous , and then to occlude to be an more and more competitive industrial chain 小到打火机、领带、纽扣等“小玩意” ,大到辐射区域内乃至全国的高科技产业,产业集群体现了一种在竞争中融合的思维:不仅是单体企业的“做精做强”与互相竞争,更是众多企业互相依存、互为唇齿的“抱团打天下” ,最终咬合成具有竞争力的产业链条。
In the historical course of liu bang ' s putting tyrant qing dynasty to death , struggling to seize state power and doing pioneering work , liu bang invited talent by every possible means and appointing talent without sticking to one pattern , rewarding them and appraising them fairly , which formed his own tactics for choosing the right person for the right job and contained the rich ideas for talent choosing 摘要刘邦在诛暴秦、打天下、创汉业的历史进程中,千方百计广揽人才,不拘一格任用人才,公正评价重奖人才,形成了自己独特的用人方法和用人艺术,蕴含著丰富的人才学思想。