In mental temperament plato was of an altogether different type from socrates . 在才情气质上,柏拉图是和苏格拉底属于完全不同的类型。
"you remember me, bob," sally says, "you know what capabilities i have, what talent. " “鲍勃,”莎莉说:“我这人能力如何,才情如何,你该心中有数。”
She stood still a little longer, and then, by an irresistible impulse, dropped on her knees before her bed and hid her face on her arms . 她又站了一会,然后才情不自禁地在席前跪下去,把脸埋在手臂里。
Jack : you ' re so talented , i wish i had your skill 杰克:你才情真高,我有你的本事就好了。
On wang wei ' s superior intelligence and literary and artistic talents 论王维的资质禀赋与文艺才情
" you remember me , bob , " sally says , " you know what capabilities i have , what talent . “鲍勃, ”莎莉说: “我这人能力如何,才情如何,你该心中有数。 ”
Photo story : lingnan university lingnan was honoured to present three prominent experts in art - related areas as speakers at lingnan 陶杰先生以才情横溢创作路为题主讲的大学论坛已于早前举行。
To express their depression and resentment . they created their works . which also shows their matchless talent , tempernament and outstanding art 这使女性以其充满幽愁暗恨的创作抒写出闺中悲吟,与此同时,也彰显出妇女无比的才情、气质与高超的艺术水平。
It is mianyang that has fostered li bai with heroic personality and vigorous poem style , having promoted him to climb up a romanticism poem peak in the world 是绵阳的山山水水孕育了李白的盖世才情,造就飘逸豪迈的个性、雄浑壮丽的诗风,将他推上了世界浪漫主义诗坛无人企及的至尊顶峰。
Despite the constant tte - ttes between the threesome , there is a tenderness that is inescapable a director s affectionate ode to her own parents . fipresci and caligari film prize winner , berlin film festival 导演还是电影系硕士生,才情已被肯定,短片先获校内电影节颁发最佳导演奖, 《牛皮》获今年柏林影展国际影评人奖及caligari电影奖。