I feel a strong craving for a trial with this celebrated gun . 我手痒痒的,就要拿这件赫赫有名的枪试验一番。
It was evident that several of them found it difficult to refrain from attacking him . 这是很显然,有些人对他已是手痒难熬。
Reviews were mixed , but in general reviewers were kind and some were enthusiastic . more films followed : feeling minnesota , chain reaction and the last time i committed suicide , which did moderately at the box office Keanu爱飙车又不遵守交通规则:不戴安全帽超速行驶酒后驾车无照驾驶因被吊销执照,但又手痒。
Harry to the attention of the loyal fans , the following will be unveiled , we members of the long - awaited small game , harrys quidditch qi , in the movies or novels , is it the shows exciting quidditch match preparation he greatly 各位哈里波特的忠实fans们注意了,下面即将登场的,是大家期待已久的小游戏哈里波特之魁地奇,在看电影或小说的时候,是不是对剧情中紧张刺激的魁地奇球赛手痒不已?
Introduction : harry to the attention of the loyal fans , the following will be unveiled , we members of the long - awaited small game , harrys quidditch qi , in the movies or novels , is it the shows exciting quidditch match preparation he greatly 各位哈里波特的忠实fans们注意了,下面即将登场的,是大家期待已久的小游戏哈里波特之魁地奇,在看电影或小说的时候,是不是对剧情中紧张刺激的魁地奇球赛手痒不已?