lack the strength to truss up a chicken -- feeble; be physically very weak 短语和例子 我们两个手无缚鸡之力, 只好吃饭。 we two have not strength enough in our hands to tie a chicken fast. we can only eat
Example Sentences:
We two have not strength enough in our hands to tie a chicken fast , we can only eat .. 我们两个手无缚鸡之力,只好吃饭。
* he had strength and she had none . * *他太强壮了,而她手无缚鸡之力*
He had strength and she had none 他太强壮了,而她手无缚鸡之力
Cerberus : leave now , mortal ! the likes of you are forbidden in this land ! you who are powerless are not worthy to set foot here 赛布勒斯:马上离开,你这个人类!类似你的访客都被封冻于此地!你这种手无缚鸡之力的人没有呆在这里的资格