| 1. | Check prh application status subsidised housing schemes 查看公屋申请进度(资助房屋计划) |
| 2. | Applying for public rental housing subsidised housing schemes 申请租住公屋单位(资助房屋计划) |
| 3. | Subsidised housing for the elderly 为长者而设的资助房屋计划 |
| 4. | Subsidised housing for the elderly subsidised housing schemes 为长者而设的资助房屋计划(资助房屋计划) |
| 5. | More on subsidised housing schemes 更多有关资助房屋计划> |
| 6. | Task force on the ma hang public housing development hong kong housing authority 马坑公共房屋计划专责小组 |
| 7. | Prefabricated interim housing scheme 组件中转房屋计划 |
| 8. | Middle income housing scheme 中等入息家庭房屋计划 |
| 9. | The housing authority s property location profile subsidised housing schemes 房委会物业位置及资料(资助房屋计划) |
| 10. | Rural public housing scheme 郊区公共房屋计划 |