Foundry machinery - safety requirements for ladles , pouring equipment , centrifugal casting machines , continuous and semi continuous casting machines ; german version en 1247 : 2004 铸造机械.戽斗浇注设备离心铸造机连续和半连续
All that bare white human flesh was splashing about with shrieks and laughter , in the muddy pool , like carp floundering in a net . there was a ring of merriment in that splashing , and that was what made it peculiarly sad 所有这些雪白的光身子,在这肮脏的水洼里又笑又叫地扑扑通通玩,就像一群鲫鱼拥挤在一个戽斗里乱蹦乱跳似的,这样扑扑通通的玩水,带有一点欢乐的意味,因而反衬出分外的忧愁。