| 1. | All just causes are invincible . 凡是正义的事业都是不可战胜的。 |
| 2. | Napoleon's armies crushed one foe after another until he seemed invincible . 拿破仑的军队击溃了一个又一个敌人,以致他似乎是不可战胜的。 |
| 3. | At the summit the stamina and valor of our fighter pilots remained unconquerable and supreme . 最突出的是,我们的战斗机飞行员们始终保持着不可战胜的最大的毅力和勇气。 |
| 4. | Face b bears what coedes and krom describe as an unfinished inscription celebrating a victorious king . 背面刻有戈岱司和克罗姆认为没有完成的碑铭,颂扬一位战胜的国王。 |
| 5. | What they cannot defeat by reason and argument they obstruct by delay and legalistic guile . 凡是他们不能通过理智和辩论战胜的东西,他们便采用拖延的办法和玩弄法律的手段来加以阻挠。 |
| 6. | Yet sada achieved his fundamental objective of shaking belief in israel's invincibility and arab impotence . 然而萨达特却达到了他的基本目标动摇了那种认为以色列是不可战胜的,而阿拉伯是软弱无能的信念。 |
| 7. | You haven ' t hit anything you couldn ' t beat 你没有碰上过什么你不能战胜的问题 |
| 8. | She ' s the reason this level ' s unwinnable 她就是这个关卡无法战胜的原因 |
| 9. | Beat this unwinnable level , and get to the other side , 击败这不可战胜的关卡到达胜利的彼岸 |
| 10. | Beat this unwinnable level , and get to the other side , 击败这不可战胜的关卡到达胜利的彼岸 |