No binding regulation, law, or custom can apply to all its parts . 成文的法令、规章或习惯,均无法全部适用。
No man can become a serviceable servant solely by obedience to written edicts . 没有人单靠遵守成文的法令,就能成为一个有用的仆人。
Next came a stint as a reporter in windsor, during which he found stringing words together not only easy but exhilarating . 接着又在温索尔干了一阵新闻记者,其间他发现把字串成文章不但容易而且挺有意思。
I doubt whether anyone had begun to think about the problem of even transcribing, let alone organizing, seven years of conversation . 我怀疑是否真有人着手考虑过将七年之久的对话誊写成文,更不必说组织了。
Though the unwritten constitution has reduced them to rubber stamps, the written constitution nevertheless still leaves them as free as the air . 虽然不成文宪法已经使他们沦为机械式的工具,成文的宪法却仍然使其任意而行。
Each state has a written constitution. some of them are brief6000 words or less; others are long, wordy, ill-drawn and amended countless times . 每个州都有一部成文宪法,其中有些州宪简短扼要,最多只有六千字。有些州宪就很冗长累赘,制作潦草,还经过无数次修订。
Indeed, i never heard or saw the introductory words "without vanity i may say," and so on, but some vain thing immediately followed . 确实,我既未听说过也未见到过:人们张口讲话,落笔成文时开头就说:“我说这些毫无追求虚荣之意”,可是接着就显出其追求虚荣成份。
Are there written procedures for the items above 以上条目有没有成文的程序?
Method in order to generate the document object model 方法来生成文档对象模型( dom ) 。
Make sure your editor really saves the file as text 请确保编辑器确实将文件保存成文本。