| 1. | Cut each mushroom into a shrimp - shape . wash and dice the carrots and winter bamboo shoots 将蘑菇剪成虾形,胡萝卜冬笋治净切成丁 |
| 2. | 9 . turn to the left and take a step to 2 oclock with the left foot , placing your heel down first . 10 左右穿梭:左脚外撇,脚跟先地,身体微向左转,上步成丁步抱球。 |
| 3. | The duke cut the meat in small cubes and put it into the boiling oil which was meant to chase away the invaders 公爵把那块肉切成丁状,放入沸油之中,寓意为将侵略者驱赶出去。 |
| 4. | Dice the chicken breast , carrots and bell pepper . place the chicken dices in the marinade for 10 minutes 鸡胸肉,甜椒,胡萝卜洗净后分别切成丁状。鸡肉加入腌料,静置10分钟左右。 |
| 5. | 3 . your right hand , following the body turn , moves in an arc until it comes in front of your left shoulder with the fingers pointing up . look at your left hand to 11 oclock 左仆步下势:左脚收回,成丁步,右手变勾,左手掌心向内,两臂成弧形重心向下蹲,左脚向左成仆步,重心下移。 |
| 6. | Shift your weight onto your tight foot and turn your body to the right , while turning the toes of your left foot in . make an arc with your left hand . 9 . turn to the left , shifting your weight onto your left foot 左搂膝拗步:重心后移,向右转腰,右脚外撇,上步成丁步,摆掌,左手搂膝右手向前推出,同时上左脚成左弓步,右推掌。 |
| 7. | 1 . pull back your right foot but keep your thigh parallel to the floor . move your left hand up and forward , then down to the side of your right hand in front of your chest , turning both palms up 挪:重心后移,左脚尖翘起,身体右转,左脚尖内扣,右脚收于左脚内侧,脚尖点地成丁步,同时右手向下划弧与左手成抱球状,右脚向前上步,脚跟先地,弓步挪。 |
| 8. | Your right hand makes an arc past your abdomen and then up to your left shoulder , with the palm tilted in . 5 . bring your right foot next to your left foot , so that your feet are in parallel stance , and about 4 - 8 in . 10 - 20cm apart 左野马分鬃:重心后移,右脚脚尖翘起,身体右转,右脚外撇,重心前移上左脚成丁步抱球,左脚向前上步,左手分出,重心前移,成左弓步,左手分出,右手落于右髋关节外侧。 |
| 9. | Move your left hand up , stopping just above your left temple , with the palm titled up . move your right hand down to the right side , and then push it forward and up to nose level , with the palm facing forward . look at your right hand 右脚向右斜前方上步,转球,向前推出,右手架于右额头斜上方,重心后移,身体微向左转,左手向下划弧,重心前移,成丁步抱球,转球,左手架于左额头斜上方,成左弓步右推掌。 |
| 10. | 5 . using your heel as a pivot , turn the toes of your left foot slightly out so that they come in line with your outstretched leg ; turn the toes of your tight foot in , as your right leg straightens and your left leg bends . your weight is shifted your left foot 右蹬脚:左手与右手腕相交叉,身体微向左转,左脚向左开步,重心前移,两掌心向外翻转,向下划弧,重心前移,右成丁步,两手抱至胸前,手腕相交叉,掌心向内。 |