The hong kong special administration region may be famed for its vigorous , non - stop attitude to business , but hong kong people count a trip to a temple to pay their respects to the gods , or to have their fortune told , as part and parcel of daily life 这些庙宇一般不讲求建筑宏伟,多半属于家祠祖庙,在悠久的历史中保存著一份宁谧详和的气氛。古色古香的祠堂中,蕴藏著慎终追远的幽思。
The hakka treasure their own historical legacy and there are many fascinating historic landmarks , amongst them the famous matsu temple and changli shrine in neipu , the hsiao residence in chiatung the current restoration is due to be finished in early 2003 , and the liu family ancestral hall in wukoushui 客家族群慎终追远,留有许多古迹,其中内埔乡有著名的天后宫与昌黎祠,佳冬的萧家古宅九十二年初整修完毕与五沟水刘氏宗祠也颇有可观。