A poor harvest has been blamed for the shortage of dal in india . reports say people started to hold back supplies 人们把印度小扁豆的短缺归因于收成不好。报道说人们开始惜售。
The worth of an unimportant stone is rised because of your treasure , and it is also gone round of as “ a rare jewellery ” 一块不起眼的石头,由于你的珍惜,惜售而提升了它的价值,竟被传为稀世珍宝。
The construction bureau of beijing has launched several policies to regulate the overall beijing property market since april 2006 , with the emphasis on mortgage information bulletin of presale property projects ; qualifications of property agents ; strengthening the monitoring and control of property market ; regulating the contract - signing process of property transaction ; developing the regulations for property transaction and other specific issues 4月以来,北京市建委先后出台政策,从房地产预售项目抵押信息公示、商品房的售楼人员资格认证、加强商品房交易市场动态监管、规范商品房合同签约行为、规范商品房预销售管理、开展房屋交易市场秩序专项整顿等方面开展了对北京房地产市场秩序的全面整顿;并且对不符合条件擅自预售商品房,捂盘惜售、囤积房源,恶意炒作、哄抬房价等行为进行了约束和控制。