| 1. | I didn't want them to die of love . 我不想让他们深陷情网。 |
| 2. | Lavinia is going to get up a romance for catherine . 拉维尼娅要给凯瑟琳编织情网。 |
| 3. | I fell stupidly in love . 我糊里糊涂地坠入情网。 |
| 4. | I was in my salad days then , and fell in love easily . 我那时年纪轻、涉世未深,极易堕入情网。 |
| 5. | It did not declare him to be still in mrs. dorset's toils . 这并不表明他仍陷于多赛特夫人的情网。 |
| 6. | Griffiths did not know the delight of being so madly in love . 格里菲思不懂得疯狂地堕入情网的喜悦。 |
| 7. | A touch whimsically, nim speculated on whether he was falling in love . 尼姆突然异想天开地想到他是否正陷入情网。 |
| 8. | As to women, he had once already been drawn headlong by impetuous folly . 至于女人,他已经一度如醉如痴,堕入过情网。 |
| 9. | There i was, way off my ambitions getting deeper in love every minute . 我就是这样,把雄心壮志撇在一边,每一分钟都在情网里越陷越深。 |
| 10. | After stumbling into this matter, he had tried to right himself by proposing marriage to her . 他跌进了情网以后,为了不能一错再错,曾经求她和他做个长久夫妻。 |